wpkg --build-and-install

Options Comments
--admindir Define the administration directory, where the database of the installed packages resides.
--clear-exceptions Clear pre-defined exceptions.
--compressor The compressor used to compress the data tarball.
--debug Define a set of flags of things to print out for debug purposes.
--exception Add exceptions, patterns of directory and files to ignore while building a package.
--field-variables Add the specified fields to the list of control variables of this package.
--force-file-info Force the installation of files even if we cannot set their ownership and group properly.
--instdir Define the installation directory, where the data files are installed on the target.
--output-dir The output directory where the resulting package is saved.
--output-filename Set the exact name of the package file. By convention the name is <package name>_<version>_<architecture>.deb
--quiet Request for warning messages to not be displayed.
--recursive When generating binary packages from a source package, specify whethre the repository should be used recursively.
--repository The repository to use when installing packages used along a source package being compiled.
--root Define the installation root path.
--output-repository-dir The repository output directory where the resulting package is saved.
--tracking-journal Specify a user filename for the tracking journal used to build binary packages from a source package.
--verbose Display log information of level INFO.
--zlevel Define the compression level (1 to 9)

The --build-and-install command is a shortcut used to first build a binary package and then immediately have wpkg install that package.

It is very much the same as first running wpkg with --build and then with --install except in one circumstance: if the build does not produce output, then the --install is silently ignored by default.

Note that this mechanism should work with binary packages. It is not yet programmed to support installing source packages.

If the installation target is not the default, then you may also need to specify the --root, --admindir, or --instdir options.